Roofing Blog

Recycle Your Old Shingles
How Roofing Companies Recycle Asphalt Shingles And Ways You Can Help… Did you know that it is possible to recycle asphalt shingles instead of having them sent to a landfill? Most people know that old roofing materials tend to end up at the dump, and will subsequently be sent to the nearest major landfill for disposal. Instead of doing this, many enterprising individuals decided to create a recycling service where the asphalt can be recycled
Flat Roof Drainage
Flat roofs are not places where water automatically sloughs off just from the force of gravity and the architecture of the structure in question. So, this is in stark contrast to pitched roofs, dormer roofs, gabled, roofs, hip roofs, and gambrial roofs, which are all common and where gravity and design takes care of things. A flat roof without an appropriate answer or system for draining is going to collect water when it gets wet.
Attic Ventilation
As a property owner, properly ventilating your attic is not usually something that ranks high on the list of concerns, however the attic or otherwise open spaces between the roof and the inside of your home plays and important role in regulating the humidity, temperature and overall energy efficiency in your home. Lets’ find our more in this week’s article on why you should add proper attic ventilation in your home as a great way
Water Damaged Wood
To many homeowners it feels as if Mother Nature is waging an all-out war on your home, and in some ways she is.  Using rain, snow, wind, and pests to wear on a home’s roof, windows and siding, over time, these forces can create weaknesses at these barrier points, allowing water to leak inside.  Once introduced, water can quickly deteriorate the wood structure of a home and if left unattended, the end result is always
Beautiful Tile Roofing in Italy
Tile as a form of roofing goes back a long time in human history.  Made directly from the clay and earth in the ground and baked to form tile, roofing tiles trace back it’s roots some 10,000 years or more to dwellings in Asia and the Middle East.  This fire resistant material is a remarkably durable and can well outlast it’s occupants in dryer climates. Nowadays tile roofs continue to be a popular option for residential

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